
Who Can Raise Money on GiveSendGo? Anyone!

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0

Have you ever thought about starting a GiveSendGo campaign, but felt like you weren't special or significant enough to make a difference? Maybe you think that only famous people, high-profile organizations, or those with large social media followings can successfully raise funds for their causes. Well, we're here to tell you that simply isn't true!

We believe anyone can use our platform to make a meaningful difference and share hope in the world. You don't have to be famous, influential, or wealthy to make a positive impact. All it takes is a heart for giving, some self-discipline, and a desire to help those in need.

In fact, many of our most successful fundraisers are started by everyday people with a passion for a specific cause or a personal connection to a particular need. From individuals raising funds for medical expenses or disaster relief efforts, to local organizations supporting their communities, GiveSendGo provides a platform for anyone to easily and quickly fundraise for the people and causes they care about!

By telling your story and spreading the word about your cause, you can inspire others to get involved and make a difference alongside you. And when you use GiveSendGo, you're not alone - we're here to support you every step of the way.

We provide tools and resources to help you make the most of your fundraising campaign, from customizable campaign pages to social media sharing options. We even have a team of prayer partners who will call and pray with you for your fundraising journey. Plus, with our low processing fees and excellent 24/7 customer service, you can rest assured that you have the support you need to launch your campaign with success.

So, who can use GiveSendGo? Anyone! You don't have to fit into any sort of box to be the "perfect" fundraiser. You just have to have the heart to make a difference with the dedication to see it through. And when you use GiveSendGo, you'll have a powerful platform to amplify your impact and share hope with others.

Ready to start your own GiveSendGo campaign? Click here to start your campaign and see just how easy it is. Let's make a difference together!

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How Organizations Can Be Using GiveSendGo

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 0
As the world becomes increasingly connected through technology, it's becoming easier for organizations to raise money and spread awareness for their causes. GiveSendGo is full of campaigns by and for organizations looking to fundraise and connect with their audience. Whether you're a non-profit, a large corporation, a church, or a community organization, GiveSendGo can be a powerful tool to help you raise money for your goals and projects. Here are just a few ways that organizations can use GiveSendGo:

Starting a GiveSendGo Campaign 
The most obvious way that organizations can use GiveSendGo is for fundraising campaigns. Whether you're trying to raise money for a specific project, a mission trip, or ongoing operations, GiveSendGo offers a simple and effective way to collect donations. You can even set up recurring monthly donations, so people can support you not just once, but all year round! One of the unique features of GiveSendGo is that it has a 0% platform fee, unlike other crowdfunding sites that charge fees. Earlier this year we also lowered our third party’s payment processing fee to be cheaper than our competitors. This means you can do more as an organization with the money you raise!

Sharing Stories and Building Community
Another important aspect of GiveSendGo is the ability to share stories and build a community around your cause. By sharing updates and progress reports on your campaign, you can keep your supporters engaged and informed about how their donations are making a difference. Maybe the very people who are giving to your causes are the ones benefiting from the work you do and have testimonial stories they want to share about your organization!  In addition to sharing updates, you can also use GiveSendGo to connect with other like-minded organizations and individuals who are passionate about your cause. This can help you build a community of supporters who can help you spread the word about your organization and raise even more funds.  

Amplifying Your Message
Finally, GiveSendGo can be a powerful tool for amplifying your message and reaching a wider audience. By using social media and other marketing channels to promote your campaign, you can raise awareness and get more people involved in your cause. In addition to promoting your campaign, GiveSendGo also offers a feature called "Pray for this Campaign," which allows users to share their prayers and thoughts with your organization. Everyone needs encouragement! This can help you build a sense of community and support, even among people who may not be able to donate money.

Overall, GiveSendGo is a powerful tool to help organizations raise funds, build community, and amplify their message. Whether you're a small non-profit or a large church, GiveSendGo offers unique features that can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.
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Why You Should Be A Giver In Life

By: Alex Shipley on | Comments: 1

At GiveSendGo, we believe that giving is one of the most powerful things that you can do in life. When you give to others, you not only make a positive impact on their lives but also on your own. It's amazing how one small act of kindness can brighten someone's day, and that's why we encourage everyone to be a giver.

One of the great things about GiveSendGo is that we make it easy for you to give to those in need. When you find or know of a person or cause you want to support you can give! But we don't just stop there. We also encourage people to share the campaigns they create with their friends, family, community, and church. When you share a campaign, you're spreading awareness to your circle (who are the most likely people to give to your campaign) and potentially reaching more people who are willing to help. Plus, when you support others, you set a great example for others to follow.

Being a giver in life doesn't just benefit those around you; it also benefits you. When you give to others, you become more grateful for what you have, and you develop a sense of empathy and compassion. Moreover, people are more likely to reciprocate kindness when they see it. When you're a giver in life, you're more likely to receive that same kind of treatment from others, meaning that the possibility of receiving more donations to your campaign increases.

At GiveSendGo, we're always inspired by the generosity of our community. Whether it's supporting a campaign, sharing it with others, or just spreading kindness, we're amazed by the power of giving. So we encourage you to be a giver in life. It doesn't matter how big or small your gift is; every act of kindness counts. And that’s the whole point of crowdfunding! A large number of people coming together with their smaller donations to make a huge impact! By giving to others, you not only make the world a better place, but you also make your own life better too.
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