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Maia urgently needs specialist eye surgery now


 GBP £14,000


 GBP £10,304

Campaign created by Pablo Christiansen

Campaign funds will be received by Pablo Christiansen

Maia urgently needs specialist eye surgery now

Maia Urgently Needs Specialist Eye Surgery Now

Maia is our beautiful sparkly 7-year-old girl. She was born with a rare genetic condition called BPES*, which severely and progressively limits her eyelid function and vision. This condition not only impedes her ability to see clearly but also impacts her self-confidence and enjoyment of life’s experiences that most children take for granted.

Maia is a very keen and talented little artist who is always creating vibrant artwork at every opportunity she gets but her eyesight is becoming even more compromised and without specialist surgery, she could lose a significant amount of her field of vision which would be an avoidable tragedy.

*Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome

Why We Need Your Help

Whilst the NHS in the UK provides excellent care, the specific procedures available for Maia’s condition via the NHS do not meet her unique medical needs and also carry a significant risk of permanent scarring along with the permanent insertion of titanium steel implants. The pain and trauma associated with the NHS surgery and subsequent healing can be avoided and we naturally want to give her the best possible treatment with minimal risks to her well-being.

After extensive research and consultations, we have found a specialized treatment in Malaga, Spain, that offers the best possible chance for Maia to significantly improve her vision and her quality of life. This surgery, led by a renowned expert in BPES, Dr. Ramón Medel Jiménez includes a combination of advanced medical procedures not available through our local healthcare system.

Our Goal

We need to raise £14,000 to cover the costs of the surgery, travel to Spain, accommodation, and Maia’s post-operative care. This amount is far beyond what we can afford on our own, and we are reaching out to friends, family, and the wider community for support.

How You Can Help

Your donation, no matter what size, will bring us one step closer to ensuring that Maia receives the care she so urgently needs. Your generosity will not only help cover the medical expenses but also enable her to experience a future where she can see the world with clarity and confidence.

We understand times are tough, and we are incredibly grateful for any support you can provide, whether it's through a donation or by sharing Maia's story with others who might be able to help.

Maia’s Eyes

If you would like to see the world through Maia’s artistic eyes please visit our Pinterest profile at  to view her wonderful sparkly creations with thanks from Maia.

Please Donate Now and Help Maia See the World Clearly

Your kindness and support mean everything to us and to Maia. Please join us on this journey to give her the gift of clear vision and a brighter future.

Thank You

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for considering helping our family during this challenging time. Together, we can make a life-changing difference for Maia.

With love and gratitude,
Pablo & Pixie

Recent Donations
£ 10.00 GBP
7 hours ago

£ 50.00 GBP
9 hours ago

Jennifer Brotherton
£ 10.00 GBP
1 day ago

I will donate again when I can my lovelies. Sending love & prayers

Louise Wilson
£ 10.00 GBP
1 day ago

Sending best wishes to Maia and her family.

Carolyne Hallett
£ 10.00 GBP
1 day ago

Mrs vicky hunt
£ 10.00 GBP
2 days ago

Good luck Maia will miss you at school x

Vikki - Mrs Heal
£ 10.00 GBP
2 days ago

Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery Maia 🤎

Emily Z
£ 20.00 GBP
6 days ago

Sending love and best wishes helping you meet your goal!

Angela Casey
£ 10.00 GBP
8 days ago

Lots of love and luck. Having a child with problems is so worrying.

£ 20.00 GBP
9 days ago

With love ❤️

Anonymous Giver
£ 100.00 GBP
12 days ago

God bless you

Anonymous Giver
£ 50.00 GBP
30 days ago

With love from HK

Julie and Tim
£ 50.00 GBP
1 month ago

From Lizzy’s parents

Lizzy and Aaron
£ 100.00 GBP
1 month ago

Sending love and support, hope all goes well and you reach your target!! X

£ 50.00 GBP
1 month ago

Keeping Maia and your whole family in my thoughts. Sending so much love.

Sue Bright
£ 100.00 GBP
1 month ago

Sending you all so much love and hugs with everything moving forward xx

£ 100.00 GBP
1 month ago

Love to you all, many prayers and blessings! 😘✨️💖

£ 150.00 GBP
1 month ago

To Maia and family! Sending you lots of love and best wishes for your operation. Hope to see more of your beautiful artwork! With Love, Lucas, Olga, Olivia & Alex

£ 25.00 GBP
1 month ago

I hope your surgery will be successful

David Miles
£ 25.00 GBP
1 month ago


Update #4

September 28th, 2024

Maia’s Musical Fundraiser last night was a success! 

With the help of Uke-a-lady, The Avalonian Free State Choir, Maia’s little friends & the fabulous cake donators we raised £725.19 from donations on the door and for tea and cakes. We can’t tell you how held we feel by our friends and the wider community.


Maia spontaneously pulled up a chair into the centre of the aisles to watch, her sister wrote a beautiful note for Maia for the prayer board, and her little brother raced up and down the aisles like a loon, bringing joy to everyone’s faces.

Our running total is now £17,345 including private & pledged donations. 

Thank you SO MUCH!


Maia’s surgery is set for this Wednesday morning at 7:30am (UK time).

You’ve already held us so beautifully through the fundraising process, our final ask if you can/wish is to send up a prayer for our daughter. She needs all the love we can give her. 


For Maia

Love from Pablo, Pixie & Team Maia

Update Update #4 Image
Update #3

August 30th, 2024

Hi everyone, the fundraiser is going well and we have now booked, confirmed and paid the deposit for Maia’s surgery. It will take place in early October and we’ll keep you updated closer to the time so you can send a prayer or a message for Maia if you wish. 

Maia is doing well and is happily telling friends and family about her upcoming adventure to Malaga and the water park she wants to visit. 

Again, thank you to ALL who have made this possible. We are beyond grateful for your generosity, care and spirit. 

Love, Team Maia 🥰

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

August 15th, 2024

Hi everyone,

We’re thrilled to share that Maia’s operation has now been scheduled for the first week of October.

I’ve taken a week off work, and we’ve already secured our flight tickets and accommodations.

Including private donations we’ve now raised 95% of the total needed.

This wouldn’t have been possible without your incredible support!

We’re also organising a musical fundraiser featuring the Avalonian Free State Choir and the Ukeladies on Friday, September 27th, at St. Benedict’s Church in Glastonbury. If you’re local, we’d love for you to join us for an evening of beautiful music in support of Maia.

Maia’s Aunty Briony is running the London half marathon for Maia soon!

Also, Maia’s great grandmother, the renowned educator Ewa Hoffman-Rzechowska is co-hosting a very special online workshop to support the Maia fund.

Countless others are supporting our campaign in every way they can and we want to give very special thanks to everyone who has donated, shared and continues to spread the word.

We will be sharing more of Maia’s artwork very soon.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Pablo, Pixie, & Team Maia

Maia Magic!

August 6th, 2024

It’s been 7 days since we started this fundraising journey. We are overjoyed with the response we have received and our hearts are filled with gratitude and love for each and every one who has helped us make magic for Maia.


We have now had a meeting with Dr. Medel and he has kindly offered us a discount, knowing that we are fundraising to get Maia the urgent surgery she needs. Today a family friend offered her home which is close by to the hospital, so it feels as though it’s all coming together. 

Maia’s Auntie is running the London Half Marathon to raise funds for Maia and we have a potential musical fundraiser in Glastonbury, so watch out for that if you are local!

We have also received many private donations and have now updated our target. This means we have now raised MORE THAN HALF in just one week!

What an incredibly humbling experience. 

With love,

Pablo, Pixie & Team Maia 

Update Maia Magic! Image

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