CAD $274,000
CAD $13,422
Campaign funds will be received by Shelly Arnold
Sarah Choujounian, has been a nurse since 2004 and is the co-founder of Canadian Frontline Nurses (CFLN). She first spoke out against the lockdowns in October of 2020 bringing awareness to the harms that all the health measures and mandates were causing, urging people to stop complying to these draconian measures.
She also founded “Nurses Against Lockdowns” which has since merged into CFLN.
Sarah was put under 5 investigations by the CNO (College of Nurses of Ontario) and is now going through a disciplinary hearing. There are 12 allegations against her which are derived from things she posted on social media and spoke about at rallies at the time. These posts are related to the harms of masks and the vaccines, along with things like the testing is not a diagnostic test and how there are alternative treatments that we were and still are being hidden from us.
The disciplinary hearing is being run by the Colleges' committee which is composed of licensed nurses and public members chosen by the government. This was initially supposed to be a 7 day case which includes our experts, Dr. Pelech and Dr. Byram Bridle, going against theirs; it has since been extended to at least 16 days. This hearing is open to the public through being live streamed on YouTube yet the CNO has been making it very difficult and at times impossible for the public to access.
This case is also critical to the future of nursing in Canada and will give precedent. Sarah is not going against the CNO for personal reasons as she no longer wants her license but she does believe that it is extremely important to hold them accountable for their actions and that justice be served. If we win the case, nurses across the country will know that they have the power to speak up for what is best for their patients when the industry doesn’t have the public’s best interest at heart but if we lose, nurses will remain censored and unable to advocate for their patients which will be and already is detrimental to our community's well-being.
In order to keep this case going, Sarah needs 35,000$ by September 8th 2023 and then more to appeal. The case will only continue if Sarah gets the funding to keep it going. She is willing to stand in truth all the way to the Supreme Court if she needs to but will not be able to continue without your help. The fate of this court case being heard is now in your hands, this is a call to action for all her supporters, all nurses across the country and to all who care about the future of healthcare and Canada...the ball is in your court.
The next 3 court dates have been chosen and will be on September 15th, 22th and 25th of 2023 from 9:30am-5pm. The next dates after that are still to be announced. If anyone from the public wants to attend, they must email the college at HearingsAdministrationGroup@cnomail.org and ask for the links referencing Sarah Choujounian’s court case.
wishing you well
You are a strong and inspiring woman, fighting the good fight!! Prayers out to you and best of luck.
Hold the Line!!
God bless you!
Faith over fear! Thank you for your inspiration!
Dear Sarah, I know every bit counts and I will share and hope many others will donate. You have been a light from the start. We met at the West Edmonton Mall first by chance (Timmies!) and then in Victoria at a rally. I am proud of you and thankful for souls like yours who stood up...but now we need people to stand and help YOU. Big hugs. Kari
Prayers to you for a miracle!
Respect for staying strong!
December 8th, 2024
Hi everyone,
It's been a long time since I have updated this platform on what is happening with my case. Sorry for the delay and hope this info helps in keeping you informed.
First and most importantly, I want to personally thank you so much for your continuing support, I wouldn't be able to do this without all of you cheering me by my side.
We are now on day 29 of this very lengthy and corrupt disciplinary hearing from the College of Nurses. Many days were spent discrediting my experts Dr. Steven Pelleck and Dr. Byram Bridle. Both who have not been fully qualified to be experts on my case hence why most of my evidence has not been recorded. We put in a motion to try and get another expert in in an attempt to get my evidence in but the motion was denied.
I am glad to say that I myself have testified, six days on the stand, and we are very happy with the results. Everything I had to say was said, we went through the nursing Code of Conduct and the Practice Standards. I showed them how I literally did everything I was taught to do while they did the opposite.
The next and final court date will be this December 12th, 2024. We will be hearing the closing arguments on both sides which will summarize the last 30 days. To follow my court case as a public member, you may email the CNO at HearingsAdministrationGroup@cnomail.org . Reference my case: Sarah Anahid Choujounian Abulu and ask them for the links.
We are not giving up but don't believe that we have much chances of winning at this level. The next step, if we don't win this case, is to appeal and take it to the higher courts. We will then show how unfair the hearing was conducted and are hoping that this will be helpful to our case.
I also intend, even though I was told that this may be close to impossible, to hold them accountable therefore then go after them. The College of Nurses is a regulatory board therefore it is their duty to investigate and discipline nurses. The only way that I could succeed at holding them accountable is by proving that my case was a malicious one and not conducted to protect the interest of the public. I believe that this was the case here. I don't know how I will accomplish this nor if I will have any lawyers to represent me at that point , as I am now owing 273000$ in lawyer fees, but I believe that in due time God will show me the way.
My hope is that, you will all continue to support me as I continue on this journey to bring awareness to the corruption of the regulatory boards, hold them accountable and bring back freedom of speech in nursing.
Please and thank you for keeping me in your prayers.
Love and Light,
Sarah Choujounian
February 29th, 2024
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