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Johnatakis Family Help


 USD $68,062

Campaign created by Marie Johnatakis

Campaign funds will be received by Marie Johnatakis

Johnatakis Family Help

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January 6 has been difficult for everyone, no matter your political affiliation. If you talk to someone on the left (not that that is the best way to define anyone), you can see why they might be scared by "the extremist" on the right. On the political right you have many desperate people that feel like any legitimate way to air their grievances has been destroyed. They watch as the country is in decline and where votes may not even count.  There's desperation on both sides. 

Taylor's trial was two weeks ago. He was found guilty, and at this point we have no idea how long it will be until we see him again (sentencing hasn't been scheduled...maybe three to four months out for that). Taylor is a passionate guy and has always been one to "walk the walk", that's one of the things I have admired about him.  He went to the rally on January 6th to do just that. 

He is everything to me and my five kids. We are not extremist, we are your friendly neighbor. We are involved in BSA Scouting, sports leagues, swim team, home school groups and lots of other things. Tay has always worked hard for our family and found his niche in working with people and the dirt, installing septic systems. He has always supported us in every way a father should. It's devastating to have him gone. 

I recently picked up a blog that I had neglected for years, to sort out what is going on. I have shared our recent experiences here:

Taylor had a podcast, where he shared his experience and what he saw leading up to and on January 6th. That can be found here:

The last two+ years have been difficult and expensive. We are grateful for all the love, support and prayers that we have received so far.  I know that life is difficult for a lot of people right now, but if you are looking to donate to something, maybe consider our family. 

Sincerely, Marie

Recent Donations
We Are With the J6ers
$ 100.00 USD
9 hours ago

This beautiful family has great & good parents! Thank you for caring about our country & Humanity.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 hours ago

Our prayers and thoughts are with you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 day ago

$ 15.00 USD
5 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 days ago

I pray that the grace of God be with you every day!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago

Heard some Taylor's updates from other patriots. He is great. You are all great. Pray for your all every day. Hope your 5 wonderful children are going well. I wish I could live nearby you so that I could give you a hand anytime. God bless you, keep you, and protect you forever more. Be strong.

Andy Cheek
$ 100.00 USD
12 days ago

I admire Taylor for his fight to keep the election integrity and the freedom of expression being taken away from the American people. You and your family suffer injustice and pain in the process. We stand by you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 7.00 USD
12 days ago

Stay strong! May God be with you and your family!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Taylor’s update- Privileges on August 28th, 2024 has been translated into Chinese and will be shared among patriots. Pray for you and your family. Good yet to come. Be strong. Wait for the Lord! God bless you and protect you as always.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
14 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
14 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
21 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
24 days ago

God bless you.

James Komendera
$ 100.00 USD
26 days ago

Thank you for your personal email of thanks for a previous donation. Please stay strong and continue to trust in the Lord. It takes so much faith to do this, in the midst of this "insane" life you are dealing with. We are with you. Stay strong. We are praying for you.

Cheryl Reis
$ 20.00 USD
26 days ago

This all shall come to pass and everything will be made right. Keep up the fight.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
27 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
28 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Our prayers and thoughts are with you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago


Springfield Prison Visit

October 1st, 2024

This last week we got to visit Taylor for the first time in Missouri. Our two little boys haven't see him since right before Thanksgiving of last year.  The older two and I saw him at sentencing in April. Time seemed to melt away as they ran to hug him, when they saw him coming out into the visiting room. We spent almost 6 hours Saturday and 6 hours Sunday with Taylor, playing cards, trivia, laughing, sharing all the updates, hearing about life in prison and everything else.  We all needed that, and it was so hard to say good bye. 

*Thank you Stand in the Gap Foundation, that made the visit even possible!



It was so good to see you and the boys, I needed this. We have gotten into a rhythm with me being away. I have a routine (although inconsistent) and you have the super busy life of the day to day Mom/Dad/Start up Non-profit President/Teacher rolls, that keeps you insanely busy from morning till night. There is always a slow ache, a pain we carry when we are away from each other. As one of my favorite authors Ayn Rand says, through her character Howard Roark, with regards to the devastating disappointments and vindictiveness' directed towards him and how he dealt with it, "the hurt only goes so deep". We have felt that depth. In our lives we have dealt with financial abyss at times, the death of our child Destin (still the deepest pain I have every felt),. We have felt deeply many pains, but "the hurt only goes so deep".

This weekend, visiting with you and the kids, has allowed me, and I believe you, to feel the hurt of separation again. Like a scab being pulled off, there is some bleeding. My heart bleeds tonight, it missed you and the kids so much. It misses what life was, holding you, kissing you, seeing the children's eyes and the excitement they have telling even the littlest stories. The hurt has been there every day since I have been gone. There is not a moment that looming in the background is the pain- but it's muted by the routine or our busy days. Today, when you and the kids left, I found the bottom of that hurt again.

I remember when Destin was born. I remember walking into the hallway of the NICU in Puerto Rico, with you in the ICU. Both you and him fighting to survive. I was alone, unsure what the next moment would bring. I have never hurt so deep, there in a silent hallway wondering if my wife and/or son would survive. Every heart beat was a throb of doubt. Not long after that, you and I both held each other in that same hallway, after Destin lost his fight, but you had won yours. I hurt, but I had you. Today, when I left visitation, the prison hallways were empty. It was between moves, so I made the journey back to the housing unit, remembering that day in Puerto Rico and adding this day to a list of moments where I felt that hurt so deep again; a memory of our initial separation, and again in an empty hallway.

I am so grateful for the people who have supported us. Who out of their abundance, have blessed us with financial support, with prayers, with letters. They are angels. Just like when we lost Destin, we were borne up on angels wings. I am grateful for the angels who support us now, it's the angles who water the lilies.

I love you sweetheart, you are my angel. Even though it hurts today, it's because I love you and the family deeply, and the separation is felt tonight, but "the hurt only goes so deep". We will survive, this will end, sooner than later. Like other painful moments, we are shaped by the scars we bare, they are badges of honor when we bare them well.




Honey- it was so great to see you. I miss you so much, my heart feels so heavy. I love you tons. I don’t know what to say. I just can’t wait to be back together… whenever that will be. Stay strong, positive and happy for me. One thing that I’ve been so grateful for, is to see that prison hasn’t hardened you. I wouldn’t say it hasn’t changed you, because of course having an experience like this will shape your perspective and how you view the world and people- which is good. But thank you for not becoming numb or angry or the many emotions you are probably justified to have. I can’t say enough how grateful I am for the man you are.

I love you so much, Marie



There’s a giant bass pro shop in Springfield. They are having a festival this weekend and were giving away toys, had carnival rides, face painting, food and treats- all for free!! We found out about it from one of the guards at the prison. So... we ended up going there after we saw you - pretty fun!

I’m now watching the kids in the swimming pool at the hotel. The kids are fearless. Joe is giving Caleb “swimming lessons”. He’s calling out “faster” and “dolphin kick”. Caleb is pretty responsive to him :) LOL. So funny!! We all loved seeing you so much today.

See you soon.

Love you, Marie


September 14th, 2024

We have had two Presidential debates now. One where President Trump was going up against, what seemed by most people, someone who was mentally unfit to run for office. When I say most people, I'm including Democrats and Republicans alike. I was not surprised by Biden's performance, as we had seen his condition for quit some time now. After the first debate I reached out to a reporter that I have spent quit a bit of time with, from the Atlantic. I asked her if she was seeing what I was seeing in Joe Biden. In fact she was (and had not previously). We all witnessed the panic after the debate within the Democrat party. Shortly there after Kamala Harris was installed as their candidate. The second, and last debate, wasn't surprising to me either.  I thought Trump was very much himself and Kamala was very much herself.  Trump was passionate, unscripted, responsive to accusations. He held to the accomplishments that he had in his first term and was passionate about his plan going forward. He was a raw human who is in the political arena, just as we have seen his entire time on the presidential stage. Kamala was also not surprising. She was polished, scripted, made exaggerated expressions and made promises for things that seemed to be contradictory to stances she has had before. She truly was a politician, and acted just as we have seen many others act on the political stage.

This election is way more important to me than I wish it was. This election means years that we will either be with or not be with Taylor. We are truly invested in the outcome. While saying this because of our association with J6, I also believe that many Americans are feeling the same thing. It seems the political climate and potential policies of the day have reached extremities that could and have caused real harm to individuals, families, communities and our American way of life.  I pray for America and I pray that each one of us can be the change that we want to see.   

Thank you all for your kindness to our family, it has been humbling. 

Love, Marie

Peasants Perspective

Taylor’s update- Privileges

August 28th, 2024

This week brought a big change to my 'bid' here in prison. I have had a few big changes while I have been here. As inmates we call our time here a 'bid' (always seem to have these commercial terms that pop up). I have a 7 year 3 month 'Bid'...and I have been 'down' 9 months. Since I have been here in Springfield. The big changes have been moving from the 20 man dorm style room on a top bunk, to being invited to a 4 man room/cell to another top bunk. A 4 man room is way better than a 20 man dorm (even worse my bunk was in the middle of the room). Then another big change was when I started working in the Wood Shop as a Carpenter, which has been really fun. It makes the days long, because we actually work all day, but it makes the weeks go by really fast.   

Well, I had another big change happen, I got a bottom bunk! I have been in the 4 man room for a while, and one of the original roommates in one of the two bottom bunks got transfered to a Prison Camp somewhere, so by seniority, I was able to move to the bottom bunk! Yay. Bottom bunks are way better than top bunks. I can sit on the bunk, I can get in and out of it with ease, especially if you need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. It's just so nice...When you are on the bottom bunk, it's like the bunk is yours, the guy on the top bunk is just a guest. In prison it's all the little things that matter, it's the smallest of things that make time easier to do. Having a full commissary budget (which by the way, if anyone wants to help with commissary funds it's much appreciated) to be able to have enough money for deoderant, toothpaste, and food to fill in for small portion sizes the prison gives makes you feel like you have some control. Having good roommates makes you feel safe when you close your eyes. Having a good job makes the time pass and give some purpose to your time. Getting mail, pictures and emails makes you feel not forgotten. In prison it's the littelist things that can make the moment a little easier. Universally I have found inmates are much more appreciative of the little things. We don't take things for granted, because IT CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE. Just being able to go outside for rec somedays will settle you out, after the outside has been closed randomly for a few days.

Recently we lost TV privilages in the housing unit for a week because of some trash that was found outside in the grass (mainly inmates feeding the squirells, skunks and possoms that frequent the grassy area outside the windows at night). After the week of no TVs, when they came back, everybody was SOOO grateful to just watch sportscenter again. On the outside, you take those things for granted, in here, everything beyond breathing is a privilege.

I have found there is a very clear distinction between rights and privileges in prison. You have very, very few rights, almost everything on the outside you consider a right, in here is a privilege (including my privilege to send this email at my own expense, which by the way, I pay $.05 a minute to write it).

Well, I am excited for my privilege of having a bottom bunk, I am very grateful for it.

Tonight, when you are in the bed of your choosing, likely waking up next to someone you love...Just remember, I am sleeping on a bunk bed, and across the room is a man who at one time had a lifetime sentence for attempted murder...

Love you all,


Letters home

August 9th, 2024

Taylor often writes letters to the kids and I with updates about how life is going in the Missouri prison, memories from the past and all sorts of things. A letter recently came for Caleb, where Taylor shared a story from when we first got married, and we were on our honeymoon. I love that he shares old memories with the kids (often funny ones), and they always look forward to hearing them.   I post some of these letters on our website. The honeymoon letter is here, if you would like to read:

I hope all is well with all of you. Thanks for checking in on us!


Update Letters home Image
Vox Populi, Vox Dei

August 5th, 2024

Taylor recently wrote some thoughts on the recent political events. I thought I would share those with all of you. They can be found here:

May God bless us all and may God bless America!

Love, Marie Johnatakis

Update Vox Populi, Vox Dei Image
J6 Community

July 19th, 2024

The J6 community has been incredible in helping us through one of the hardest times of our lives. And, definitely the hardest time in the lives of our 5 kids. Words can't even describe the pain that comes and goes. The roller coaster of emotion often catches us off guard and sometimes manifests itself at times and in ways that you would never anticipate. I can't say thank you enough for the support that we have received, and mostly from people that we now call friends, but that we didn't even know before last year. Thank you so much.

I have been blessed to meet many J6 prisoners through the weekly Sunday Devotionals- I can't tell you how awesome these people are. We all have different walks in life- and that is a beautiful thing! I've loved meeting supporters and other people that have been affected by J6. I recently met Brittanie, whose husband was remanded to the DC Jail in April. She is a fighter, has 3 kids, one who is just a new born. She was able to visit Josh a little bit ago, when he saw their baby for the first time. If I can, I would love to ask for help for this family- if there is any way that an of you could send funds over to them, it would be greatly appreciated.  They are trying to cover basic needs, and it is tough.  Thank you so much for all that you guys do and for your compassion.  Sending all my love, Marie

Graduation and Chinese Inmate

June 27th, 2024

Our daughter graduated a little over a week ago. We have homeschooled the kids, but Elise’s last two years of high school she took classes at our local community college so she could earn an Associates Degree. She did a great job and we are excited for the next chapter for her. 

Taylor recently sent an email telling us about an experience he had with an inmate at the prison. I thought I would share that here. Thank you all for your prayers and support. It means so much! We have received some hate mail too, and that is okay. I pray for all of you. Sincerely, Marie


I met an inmate who speaks almost no English, he is from China, some town a few hours from Beijing.. Here at this prison there are zero other prisoners who speak any dialect of Chinese, and there are also no translators. Frankly, we are not even sure why he is here. He was arrested in Guam which is why he is in the federal system. I reached out to my family, including my Brother and Sister-in-law (hello guys) who between them speak both Cantonese and Mandarin. I asked for a Bible and Dictionary in Mandarin. We had to do a little bit more digging to figure out if he read Simplified or Traditional characters.. I did my best, and based on the fact he was from the mainland, we went with Mandarin and Simplified Characters…turned out to be a good guess.

Well, The Bible and Dictionary arrived today…Tonight at Rec I presented them to him…HE WAS GLOWING! He was so excited, he opened them up and immediately confirmed he could read them. Also for the record…we have no idea if he is Christian, or frankly if he has ever even heard of Christianity…Think about it, he is from Mainland China, it’s probable he is not a Christian. While my friends and I were talking, he was sitting not far on the grass reading his new Bible…He looked so content. He mimed something about Fish (likely from the Genesis story) and said something that sounded like Jehovah, lol…Who knows?lol. Towards the end of rec, he looked up a phrase in the dictionary, walked over to us and said ‘Near each other’… His accent was so thick we couldn’t really understand, I asked for him to show me in the dictionary, he pointed to “Near each other’…He was pointing to all of us sitting on a picnic table and had looked up the word in Mandarin, and it translated to ‘Near each other’…He was so proud to be able to describe something as simple as the fact we were sitting ‘Near each other’…We helped him pronounce the words a little better so we could understand. He was so proud of himself, this is a grown man, at least as old as I am, and he was like a child, so excited.

I remember learning Portuguese, it can be so hard to not understand 90% of what you hear, and even more frustrating not to be able to form words and sentences to describe the world around you. But now, slowly, he can use that dictionary to literally find the words he needs. I imagine I will see him walking around with the dictionary using it to look of words on the signs around the prison (some critical), Menus, commissary, his paperwork, I imagine we just unlocked the world to him.

I want to thank Rob and Ching for making that happen, he was literally glowing, he was so grateful. I hope he really enjoys the bible, and hopefully it can change his life like it has billions of others. I will ask him if he was Christian, it hadn’t actually crossed my mind till tonight when I saw him looking at the bible with wonder and reading it from the beginning (Chinese read top to bottom, Right to Left). One of the guys at the picnic table thought it was weird he was starting from Revelation…Till I reminded him they read backward from us…duh, lol.

Thank you everybody, say a prayer for our friend Li.


Update Graduation and Chinese Inmate Image
Update #16

June 7th, 2024

I thought I would share a message Taylor sent. The friend he references in the letter has made a video since he has been released. I’ll share that link below. 


I took a 13th Amendment Job in the woodshop today to pass the time and learn some new skills. Today I got to work with Drill Guns, a planer, a jointer, table saw, belt sand and circular sander...all in one day. The woodshop makes American Flag plaques and challenge coin holders for retiring C.O.'s around the country. They also fix cabinets, chairs, and pretty much anything else dealing with wood. It's nice because I am in the woodshop with 2 other Jaysixers, we are pretty busy working, but it was nice to be around those guys. The C.O. over the woodshop is really cool and supportive. I will be doing less walking now, today after Woodshop I only got about 5.4 miles in before count. It's starting to get warm and humid. The weather here reminds me a lot of Brazil. It is humid, when it rains, it rains really hard, and the rain isn't really cold like it is in Seattle. When storm systems roll in they usually only last 1/2 day or even faster. I am accustomed to the Seattle area, when weather systems roll in there, they last for days coming of the Pacific ocean like they do. When it rains, it often rains or drizzles for days. I haven't seen anything like that here.  

One of our Jaysixers went home this morning (or more accurately to a 1/2 way house). He had a 2 year sentence, with first step and 2nd chance act he ended up dong I think 16 months. (It would have been less but he was in the hole for 127 days and lost good time due to an email he sent that ruffled feathers). I will miss him, he was a Lt. Colonel in the US Air Force and flew A-10 warthog planes on multiple deployments in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. He was in active combat a lot and had great stories. He also had a Political Science degree with a minor in International Studies and Military Science...the exact same degrees I have, even the minors. He and I took very different paths...but ultimately ended up in the same place, lol. I only knew him the short time I was here, but he looked out for me when I got here and helped soften the landing. He was the first one here, and did the same for the others when they arrived. It just goes to show the extremely diverse backgrounds of people involved in the jaysix incident. There is a shared trauma bond, and we helped each other find purpose and meaning in all this.  

I sometimes am overwhelmed when I think about the duration of time I 'might' end up being here. The gentlemen who left this morning filed an appeal and WON, his appeal is what reduced my guidelines from 109-135 down to 70-87 (of which I got 87 months). His appeal is also applicable to my current sentence should we appeal.

Last night we asked him what he learned while he was here, anything good he took from his time. He said he loves this country, and while there is a lot of hurt being prosecuted by your own country, he shared some intimate things that only someone going through this can truly understand and I can't really share here...BUT, please be cognizant each one of you have a role to play...Your vote matters, your energy matters, there are undecided voters who we all know. I know I probably preach to the choir a little here, but don't underestimate your ability to make a difference. My recommendation is to listen to the candidates themselves, and not what people say about them, encourage others to do the same.   

I love yawl,



May 26th, 2024

Each Sunday we do a J6 Sunday Devotional where inmates call in and share inspiration that has helped them, life experiences, or really anything they would like. The inmate that sets up the phone calls is on communication lock-down, and I was not able to connect with him. So today, I read some letters from Taylor on the devotional. I thought I would share that here. I hope you enjoy a glimpse into a different world:

The Atlantic and One Juror

May 22nd, 2024

 Today I sat across the kitchen table in our home, with a reporter from the Atlantic. We talked about our family’s January 6th experience, things that led up to that day and how things have been since. During the interview she let me know that her partner was one of the jurors in the trial and that is how she became familiar with our case. She asked how that made me feel. I don’t remember everything I said, but I do remember saying that I have compassion for all those that played a role in the proceedings. While I wished that it would have gone a different way, I still have no hate towards her partner, the judge, other jurors and the prosecution  

I remember praying during the trial that someone on the jury would not convict…just one person. I prayed so hard for that. She could have been that one. And yet- I still can’t find it in my heart to be angry- it’s just not there…

May God bless us all. 

Happy Mother's Day

May 12th, 2024

Mother's Day has always been a sweet and fun day in the past. I have had friends that have struggled with not being able to have children or other things that make Mother's Day difficult. My heart goes out to all of you women. This Mother's Day is bitter sweet for me, but there is also beauty in that.
Life gives all of us challenges that stretch us, I guess that's part of being human- and what a great thing to be and to be experiencing this beautiful world. Speaking of beautiful world, we were able to see the Northern Lights from our home Friday evening. It was glorious- I thank God for all the things. Lots of Love, Marie 
Update Happy Mother's Day Image
Lots of Changes and a Family Letter

May 2nd, 2024

There have been a lot of changes the past little bit for our family. 

Taylor was transferred to a facility in Philadelphia and then transferred to a facility in Oklahoma City. I didn't hear from him this morning, which is odd, so I wonder if he is on to his final destination, which is Springfield, Missouri. 

I can't describe the ups and downs of going through this experience. The other day I was talking to a friend, and she had mentioned how it looks like we are holding it together, but asked, "how is it really going?". That is a great question.  How is it really going? I don't even know...I have 5 kids that are looking to me right now and words can't describe what that feels like. It's overwhelming (that word doesn't even seem quit adequate). There are many unknowns and many parts of our lives that are just in limbo and transition... and that is really hard. I'm anxious to move and get settled in somewhere else. Washington has been good to us, and we will miss it so much, but I look forward to a less expensive place to live. 

We will move closer to where Taylor will be, so that we can visit him as much as possible. I'm so ready for that too! Our little kids haven't seen him since November...that's too long!

The other day Caleb (5) asked about if "Dad will get out sooner if Trump Wins", I told him he probably would. He asked me, "is he good at the game?". I said, "I hope so ".

We have received so many letters, texts, emails, donations and words of support from so many. Thank you all so much, I can't say how helpful all of it is.


Each night during scriptures and prayers we read a message from Taylor, this was a recent one:

Family, I know that me being gone has turned the world upside down.  It probably doesn't seem fair, and frankly it probably never will.  Some people say we suffering, and it's easy to say that, it's easy to be down and out and feel like the world is against you.  I want you kids to know that is not the case.  We Johnatakis's are built for hard times, we have been through a lot, one thing us Johnatakis's do is endure our trials well, and we always come out on top.  My great Grandpa, the 1st Johnatakis in this country endured a world war that took his whole family but his brother, and he watched a sister die of starvation before he immigrated to the USA.  Once here, he worked the streets of New York shining shoes and shoveling snow.  He worked his way to Utah where he labored in a Coal Mine for years.  Everyday was hard labor, coming home to a house with a dirt floor covered in Coal...He did it for his family, he endured that and along the way endured the accidental death of his oldest son...My grandfather, your Great Grandpa endured the loss of his wife when my dad was 13 years old.  That's right, my Dad lost his mother when he was 13, even me being gone for 1 year or more is not as bad as losing me for the rest of this life.  My family growing up endured financial hardship, personal tragedy and many more things that continued the tradition of enduring hardships.  Our own family has endured many things as well, you can probably think of a few things, Destin's death, Bensen's fall, Financial ups and downs, many many things.  But through it all, we keep our head tall and see the little blessings along the way.  We know that the sun will rise tomorrow, and if we stay the course we can chart through any rough waters.  I know you guys have had time for things to settle in with me being gone, and you know there is still a move up ahead, a new home and lots of "challenges" that might be true opportunities.  Life is what we make it, we Johnatakis's blossom where we are planted, we stay grateful, we push forward, we are undeterred from the important things in life.  Always remember, we don't suffer, we endure, we are blessed, and we bless others along the way.  People always have watched our family to see how we react, remember the best revenge is a life well lived.  

I love you kids, Dad

Anniversary and Take & Give

April 23rd, 2024

Taylor and I got married 19 years ago today. Last year we spent our anniversary renting those electric scooters you can find in Seattle, going to the Space Needle and then eating at a Brazilian Barbecue. We had both served missions in Brazil when we were younger and going there brought back many memories. Missing him today. 

I got this message yesterday from him:

I am proud of you holding things together, I know it hasn't been easy, I know it's been hard. Tonight [another inmate] was expressing some bitterness about things that have been taken from him...I told him we have had a lot taken from us too. I said I like to reframe things to think about what they have given me. They have given me a voice and a bona fides to speak as one with experience in these things. They have given me motivation to make changes in my life and in society around me. They have provided us with an opportunity to lift our neighbors "yea, if you do it unto the least of these (the prison orphan children) you have done it unto me". They have given me the gift of compassion for those who have made poor choices. They have given me a chance to see humanity in even the "dregs" of society and see God's hand in even their lives. They have given me the chance to be hyper aware of my surroundings and choices. They have given me the gift of gratitude for what I had, have and will have on a level I never would have appreciated. They have made me appreciate even seeing the sky, sun, moon and stars which I took for granted. They have given me the gift to appreciate time, even just a day. They have made me grateful for you to a depth I could have never had before. They gave me the gift of watching you rise to the occasion as necessity calls. They have taken a lot, but have also given a lot, as long as we have the eyes to see it and the heart to feel it.  

We can find meaning and purpose in this, we make the meaning and purpose as we watch the lilies blossom. "for the lord god will give no commandment unto the children of men, save he shall prepare away for them to accomplish such thing"...We have a way prepared if we will but walk it. Praising his name every step...I accept my role in getting here, but it's not a insurmountable challenge, we will pass through this valley, and the peaks ahead are majestic...

Update Anniversary and Take & Give Image

April 12th, 2024

When a person gets transferred to prison, communication is scarce. I’ve heard mention that people get ”lost in the system” when they go to prison, because it’s so hard to keep in contact. Taylor was transferred early Wednesday morning and I can see what they are saying. It’s been so hard not talking to him as frequently. 

I’ve meant to give an update for a couple of days now, but it’s just so painful, I can barely sit down and write about it. Taylor was sentenced to 87 months. That is a long time. Sentencing was hard to sit through. I was able to be there with three of my oldest children, the younger two stayed home with grandma and grandpa. Taylor didn’t put up a defense during trial, for various reasons- in my mind, J6 cases seem so predetermined anyway. There were a few things he did say during his actual trail. He had asked the officers if he had hurt, harmed or threatened them in any way, they both said they had sustained no injury and they were fine. The third officer had never even come into contact with Taylor. He was grateful to have clarity on that and offered a sincere apology to them. During the sentencing hearing the prosecution called it a show- as if he was feigning some sort of remorse. I know for him, it was a relief to be able to clear that up with them during the trial. It’s got to be hard being a prosecuting attorney. I wonder if they really think he was faking or if it is just part of the show that they put on. How sad to see people in such a one-dimensional light. Anyway, I could go on about all the things that I felt were misconstrued, but honestly, it’s energy I don’t have at the moment...maybe for another day.

I’ve had so many people reach out- thank you. This is truly heartbreaking.

Big things-

March 30th, 2024

A lot of big things are happening for us. We put our home up on the market two days ago. We have lived here for 14 years and it’s been such a sweet home for us. It’s sad to think of leaving this place, but I’m also excited for a new start and to get to a place quit a bit less expensive. Taylor’s sentencing will be on Wednesday. I am excited to see him, but wonder how that will go. It’s so hard being away from him, for me and the kids, especially the kids. We miss him so much! This is also Easter weekend. The reminder of the life, sacrifice and resurrection of our Savior are well-welcomed thoughts. There is hope in all of this. No one can take that away. I am grateful for the lessons life has given us and the relief we have gotten through our Savior. I pray he continues to deliver us and all of you. 

Lots of Love, Marie

March 14th, 2024

I wanted to reach out and let you all know about a non-profit that we have just launched. 

 Left Behind and Without was started to help children with incarcerated parents get funds so they can get or stay involved in extra-curricular activities, such as sports teams, music lessons, etc. 

I have learned that 1 in 28 children have an incarcerated parent. This is huge! These children are greatly impacted by having a parent in jail or prison. This has been such a difficult thing in the lives of my own children-  it's truly devastating.  Parental incarceration can echo throughout generations and those children have a higher likelihood of becoming incarcerated themselves.  Our mission is to alleviate some of the financial burden,  encourage community involvement and connection and help support these families with positive experiences. Through activities, such as basketball leagues, swim team and guitar lessons, my kids have made lasting friendships. They have also had mentors that were able to help them set goals and push them to become better at their sport and better human beings. Those mentors have also been supportive through this difficult experience. 

We would love for you to visit, and subscribe. If you would like to donate, or have a company that would like to donate, you can also do that on that website. Also, please spread the word!

Thank you for everything you have done for our family!

Sincerely, Marie


March 2nd, 2024

It is upon the word remember that all knowledge is based. It is remembering what brought pain or pleasure that directs the instinct of man. Remembering takes lessons of the past, applies them to the present so that we can better choose our future. Those who seek control, want to get you to forget. History repeats itself, to those who do not remember its lessons and patterns. Those whose fruit is bitter, want you to forget the awful taste and take another bite. Remember why we fought for freedom, why we died for rights, remember what price was paid for truth and we will never go astray. If we forget, we must experience every pain again, every price paid twice or more, and truth will be forgotten. Remember who, what, when, where and why and the future CAN be smoother sailing.

This week, on Monday at 2:00pm PST, there is a live interview with Taylor on the Invitation2Freedom Rumble channel. We would love for you to join and please share the word. Taylor will be calling in from the DC jail. The topic will be: J6 can never happen again, changing the trajectory of the country: an honest look at the 14th and 16th Amendments

Thank you all for everything you have done for our family! -Marie

Sunday Devotional from the DC Jail- J6 pod

February 25th, 2024

Thank you all for the messages, prayers and donations! We are so grateful for the love we have felt- we can't say thank you enough! I have been recording a devotional for the past couple of weeks, of some J6 inmate's experiences and thoughts. These inmates are calling in from the DC Jail. Their stories need to be told! I thought many of you would appreciate listening, and please share with others. God bless!


Amazon Podcast:



DC Jail visit

February 16th, 2024

This last week I was able to go see Taylor for a 2 hour visit. Jail is a hard place to be, and experiences like this can change a person, but I was so glad to see the same twinkle in his eye and his same sweet demeanor.

I thought I would share a recording we made this week. We talk about J6, jail, what it's like being prosecuted by the government and contracts that we make, that we may not even know we are making. If you are interested in listening you can find that here: We hope this update finds you all well. Thank you all again for all of your prayers and support. 

Taylor's Essay- Common Sense: Applied Today (Introduction)

January 31st, 2024

From jail Taylor has written some essays about his experiences and other insights he has had. I thought I would share the introduction to a short essay he has been writing.

Common Sense: Applied Today

When many people refer to the spirit of 1776, many hearken to thoughts of a violent revolution. But a true student of this Republic is first drawn to the spirit, the underpinning thoughts of 1776. Thomas Payne published his book, or pamphlet, on January 10, 1776. This book at the time, even compared to books today, was one of the most widely circulated pieces of literature in world history.

The "Common Sense" Payne applies to the examination of the rule of kings, and proper form of Government, is as relevant today as it was in 1776. Payne starts out by acknowledging that when people have "...a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right...". Anytime any system becomes "custom", people will often defend it, simply because they have not examined it. Payne states that something wrong, but not examined, the people will "...raise at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom". Under honest examination, "...time makes more converts than reason".

Payne observes that so long as people, or the majority, can go along to get along, they will rarely examine the nature of the rule to which they are subject under the lens of common sense. That until aggrieved, they may not examine things "not right". That once the good people of this country are grievously oppressed, "...they have a undoubted privilege to inquire into the pretension (or reasons for)...and equally reject the usurpation."

Referring to the power held over the people by a de facto government imposed upon the people, Payne accurately states, "The cause of America is, in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Many circumstances have, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all lovers of mankind are affected". Payne understood that the Country of America was literally the land and her people. The Government of England, through the crown, was not the Country. Today the same can be said of D.C....D.C. is not the country.The District of Columbia has come to represent, and in many ways mirrors, in deed, the same forms and functions that the crown did in 1776.


This is the introduction to the five part series, "Common Sense: Applied Today". The rest will be posted once Marie can transcribe them. These writings can be found on, in the Letters and Essays by Taylor section.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read. We pray that all is going well with each one of you. We have surely felt the Lord strengthening us through this experience and are so grateful for each one of  you.

Sincerely, Marie

Update #3

January 13th, 2024

Taylor and I wanted to give a quick update. First of all, we want to say thank you so much for your support and prayers. Taylor has been at the jail now for over 50 days, it feels like it’s been forever. You never truly know about something until you experience it, and this experience has been eye opening, for both of us. The conditions at the jail have improved quite a bit the last couple of years, but still seems archaic. The first week he was there they kept him in a cell for 23 hours a day and on the weekend he spent 72 hours locked up. When he had gotten out after that extended period, he gave me a call and he sounded frantic. It was heartbreaking. After the first week he was moved to a pod where many January 6 inmates are kept. Here he is able to call us more frequently, what a blessing that has been. Each night a vigil is held outside the jail, where inmates inside the January 6 pod and outside supporters, sing the National Anthem, and various inmates take turns calling in. I love it when Taylor calls and shares about incites he has gained through all of this. He has written some essays since being there, that may be of interest to some of you. I’ll link it here:

Thank you all so much for your concern for Taylor and our family. 


Christmas Eve from Jail on Rumble 2:00 EST

December 24th, 2023

Taylor and some fellow inmates are going to be sharing messages and singing Christmas songs December 24th, 2:00 EST. This will be live streamed on Rumble (link below). We pray that you all have a Merry Christmas. Thanks so much for your prayers and donations for our family, God bless us all. 

Lots of Love, Marie

Update #1

December 16th, 2023

I can't say thank you enough for all of your prayers and donations! We wondered how we would do this, and have kept going back to the scripture- consider the lilies of the field. We are just so grateful! 

I recently put together a website to try and gather everything to one spot. If that is of interest to you, you can find it at :

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