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Cynthia’s Health Journey


 USD $8,000


 USD $1,000

Campaign created by Cynthia Kersh

Campaign funds will be received by Cynthia Kersh

Cynthia’s Health Journey

Hey, I’m Cynthia and I’m pretty much allergic to living. Here is a video of my husband explaining my battle:

Throughout my life, I have dealt with a few severe food allergies. I still had a good quality of life, enjoyed food, eating out, working and so forth. I worked multiple jobs, was very involved in local missions, church and loved being an aunt, sister, friend, traveling, cruising, health fanatic, sharing my faith and so much more. As my in-laws health started going downhill we moved back to GA with them to become their caregivers. We were constantly taking them to appointments and the hospital. I began to do as much of that so that my husband could continue to work full time. I navigated being care giver while working multiple part time jobs. My quality of life was going fine until my living environment became too toxic. Around the time of my father-in-law's passing, my mother-in-law, other in-laws, and their guests knowingly exposed me to shellfish, bananas, chemicals, and other known true allergens, causing my symptoms to escalate over time, with each incident more severe than the last and develop more allergens with each attack. Often intentionally spraying fragrance by me. They would mock me for allergic reactions, collapsing, and anaphylaxis resulting in needing urgent medical attention, including Epipens, IV intervention, and ER visit. The prolonged exposure led to diagnoses of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), severely impacting my quality of life. I also developed Adrenal Insufficiency (deficient cortisol) because of the constant need for Epipens, home environment and other rescue medications.

MCAS causes the body to produce too many histamines, which can trigger an attack from something as simple as a stressful situation or odors. I can only eat a few foods now and sometimes even react to those and water. Some days I rely on IV fluids as my body won't tolerate even drinking water. I can't even use unfiltered water for washing my hands, showering, or cooking. I have to wear a mask outside or when around people due to environmental triggers. Anything at any time can be dangerous for me. We have been working with an MCAS specialist since March 2023. She started me on my journey to also treat (POTS) Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome also which has been confirmed by a POTS specialist.

Because of frequent known allergen exposures resulting in MCAS my cells think they under attack by bacteria, viruses, toxins & overloading my immune system. In turn, my body attacks itself. It's like being allergic to living, self, and the world. I’ve identified many of my triggers, including (but not limited to): STRESS!!! Emotions, fatigue, heat, sunlight, mold, pollen, dust, chemicals, scents, perfumes, smoke, exhaust, fluorescent lights, the stove being on, exercise(even just standing for more than two minutes), insect bites, any type of infection, hormonal fluctuations, and many foods including just the smell of them (airborne) can cause me anaphylaxis. These conditions for me cause chronic fatigue, anaphylaxis, dizziness, brain fog, trouble focusing, full-body hives, weight gain, infections, adrenal issues, shock, electrical shocks, blurred vision, tremors, insomnia, sensory processing issues, and the list goes on. I had to get handicapped parking paper and wheelchair due to not being able to walk far before getting flares, fainting or anaphylaxis which its dangerous to walk during anaphylaxis and once used an EpiPen.

Those of us with these conditions are highly restricted in our daily living, ability to work, go to church, and so forth. These challenges have led me to seeking disability, but that takes time I have multiple appointments each month, including travel to specialists. We are struggling to find a stable baseline with various medications. I have lost multiple jobs and a large amount of income due to health, symptoms, airborne allergies, collapsing, and anaphylaxis at work, resulting in medical leave.

All of these combined with the consistent need for emergency rescue medications to stop anaphylaxis led to the decision to have a port placed, which is scheduled on July 2, my birthday. I will need a home health nurse, supplies, and medications. This is a decision with my MCAS specialist and necessary to save my life.

My husband has a pituitary tumor and many medical challenges of his own he’s navigating. He has no family to call on for financial assistance. My family has helped us some but is limited. Many medications (like compounded and specialized), tests, IV care, and other treatments are out-of-pocket expenses. Prescription costs are high, even with insurance, as they are uncommon and copays and deductibles remain high. 

Funds will go toward medical travel for specialists, the port process, life-saving treatments, medications, supplies, and home health. We are also doing projects to help make home as safe as we can.

Thank you for your support, sharing this, and your prayers.

Venmo & Cashapp: CynthiaKersh

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Cynthia Kersh
$ 1000.00 USD
3 months ago

GiveSendGo is pleased to give back to this campaign chosen by our GiveBack promo winner, Cynthia Kersh


Update #1

September 15th, 2024

I had a port placed, but unfortunately, my home nurse did not manage it properly. The access needle wasn't changed for 21 days, instead of the required 7-day interval. As a result, I ended up in the hospital with LifePort infections, pneumonia in my right lung, bronchitis, a UTI, anemia, MRSA, sepsis, and lung issues that now require me to use oxygen for even basic tasks. I'm also working through liver and kidney complications and consulting with Hematology/Oncology due to some abnormal labs. The port had to be removed as it was the source of the infection.

I spent 8 days in the hospital and had a PICC line placed to continue the medications I was receiving through the port. Now, I'm on IV antibiotics three times a day, with at least 30 days of treatment expected to control the infections and aid in recovery. I have multiple appointments each week to manage the PICC line, undergo medical testing, and meet with specialists as I work to regain my health. This has been a tremendous physical and financial strain on top of the medical challenges I was already facing.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us through this difficult time. Many have asked how else they can help. If you're able, please share the GiveSendGo, or consider helping with Amazon wishlist items (medical supplies) or via Cashapp/Venmo: CynthiaKersh. Please continue to pray for my recovery, healing, and restoration of quality of life.

Update Update #1 Image

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